Describe how Score for a Hole in the Ground sounds to you . . .

Like some fine malt falling into an empty copper still.
Dripping water over rusty metal. Lovely.
Beautiful, timeless, gentle.
Intriguing… Could answer more fully if I’d had the chance to listen quietly for 20 minutes.
Beautiful, quiet.
There were so many there so it was difficult to hear it fully – what I could hear was soft and meditative.
It sounds like a wonderful underground orchestra tuning up, then you realised they’ve started and it makes it all the more exciting.
It is very subtle and one of the features I loved was that it demands a silence in order to be properly heard (when not in thunderstorm). It is very beautiful and delicate and is an important piece of work in that it is eternal.
Dripping airplane.
Haunting, faraway, tinkling. Would like to go back when no-one is there.
A bit like Japanese birds.
Like a symphony underground. Strange and beautiful.
Like a quiet waterfall.
Couldn’t hear it! Too much family chat/dogs/malarkey.
Subtle and beautiful. A lot of people talking loudly – need a more empty time to appreciate more.
Mysterious, unexpected, beautiful, and tuneful but discordant. Like all the church bells played at once heard from a distance.
It’s amazing to hear natural sounds in a woodland setting, like a reverberating one-string instrument with orchestra. I loved the whole happening.
Sort of scratchy.
Ping. Ting. Ping. Pong. Tong. Ping.
‘Supernatural’ natural.
Gravelly (and made me think how ‘gravelly’ is usually used to describe a totally different sound).
I couldn’t hear any sounds from the horn but that could be due to the conversation level. The sound from the chamber was very intriguing and I would very much like to spend time listening on a quiet day.
Intimate, global, welcoming. Like the gentle tone of a grandfather clock slowly chiming away the minutes and hours…
Kind of like a wind chime.
It sounds like water and church bells.
First time I listened, like a didgeridoo. Second time, I could hear the bells very clearly. Like it.
Reminds me of a football.
Because it was too busy, I couldn’t hear it properly.
Wonderfully organic sounds that merged into the magical woodland setting.
Like a xylophone.
Like rain at six in the morning in the dark. Gentle and relaxing.
Because of so many people talking I didn’t hear the overall sounds clearly but love listening through the bamboo poles and will come back again on my own.
It was difficult to get a full sense of the work with so many people around, but it’s an impressive project.
Snare drums, echoes, random rhythms.
The thaw after a long winter.
The tickling of the sky as it falls down and penetrates the earth.
Sounds like rain on a glass ceiling.
Water and wood sounds (surrounding).
We did not have the optimum experience due to crowds. Reminded me of “Raw Power” by The Stooges.
Beautifully breaking glass.
Today, like children and dogs.
Rather quiet because people were making too much noise.
Difficult to hear without the tubes. Maybe pauses or gaps would have heightened the effect. Did not have time to fully appreciate the magic.
Unfortunately my hearing loss meant I couldn’t hear anything much, but the experience of being in the cathedral-like beech wood with the splendid horn was very special.
Quiet. Rainy. Like church bells. Or a Forge. Or a distant steel band playing Nancarrow.
Gentle, tinkly, full of movement, busy.
Nature sounds (but the number of people restricted me to listening through the bamboo pipe – not the best way)